Ever wonder why some of the lesser sites have multiple listings in DMOZ and how they got there? How are deeplinks added to the directory? Do editors look beyond the submitted URL for possible deeplink listings when reviewing a site that’s been suggested by a webmaster or web site owner?
Ever wonder how you can get your site deeplinked in DMOZ, or other quality directories for that matter?
Having sites with deeplink listings in DMOZ, Yahoo Directory (multiple topics) BOTW.org and GoGuides.org, I’d thought I’d share how they came about.
The first thing to keep in mind is that a DMOZ editor is under no obligation to review any of the sites suggested by webmasters, site owners or the overly enthusiastic public. An editor is there of their own volition, because they want to be and they share an interest and desire to create a compilation of resources under subjects that they may have a passion for. They’re volunteers, doing what they like to do, when they want to do it.
They are not there to process the garbage that’s thrown at them by so-called SEO’s and webmasters looking for a quick link or trying to list every one of their affiliate mirrors offering nothing but the remote chance a visitor may click on a well disguised ad and earn them a buck.
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