Here’s a run down on some of my favorite Internet Blog Directories; these blog directories are the ones that should actually pay some dividends just by having a listing there. Be it a little more juice on Google or some actual live visitors to your blog, these are the directories I’ve used in the past with good results.
1. BOTW Blog Directory
Selective blog directory features a nice cross section of the best blog sites with at least 6 months of active posting and rich content; only lists blogs which meet their own minimum criteria for inclusion. Also offers the opportunity to volunteer as an editor.
Definitely one of the best places to have your blog listed. Current fee for review is $149,99 annually or $299.99 one time fee. There is a free submit option with no time guarantee that your submission will be reviewed.
It’s probably a safe bet that in order to get a free listing, you’ll probably need to submit a high quality blog to a category that’s under represented.
2. EatonWeb Blog Directory
A large scale blog directory that utilizes various indicators such as Strength, Momentum and given an Overall score to measure the importance or online authority of each blog.
Blogs are then listed within their respective category according to their score. Browse blogs listed by Strength, Momentum or Overall score or by category.
3. BlogCatalog
Easy to submit to blog catalog that offers a variety of fee based options to promote your blog; the registration process is simple and quick and most major credit cards are accepted for payment of premium services.
Basic listings are free for registered users and blogs are verified and reviewed prior to their addition.
4. Boggapedia
A blog directory, search engine and a little bit of social networking for bloggers.
Offers registered users a free submission option as well as fee based options to feature your blog. Nice source of traffic.
5, Bloggeries
Explore a collection of blogs or submit your own listing; does not provide a free submission option for submitters. Fees range from $49.99 for basic listings to $64.99 for an annual featured listing.
Offers a forum where registered members can discuss blogging basics, marketing, content creation, themes and search engine optimization.
There are several other blog directories that will provide you with benefits in the search engines and by no means are they not worthy. These just represent some of my personal choices, and I’ll probably cover some of my other favorites at a later date.
Best wishes for your continued success online in 2011 and beyond!