I was reading discussions on one of the popular Webmaster forums and happened across a thread where someone was asking how much they could charge their client for what they considered to be “high calibre” links.
They went on to briefly explain how it was of such importance and value because of the PageRank and domain extension.
I think there was the glimmer of hope that someone naive enough would validate their ridiculous claim and assist with calculating some absurd monetary value for these “rare as hens teeth” links.
Some of the metrics they thought should be considered before offering what you thought would be fair value were:
PageRank 3 and higher blog comments
High PageRank .edu and .org domains w/ discussion forums
Keyword rich anchor text (signature links)
Permanent PageRank 7 link
Permanent PageRank 6 link
The discussion seemed to shift focus from the blog commenting to posting on “high PageRank” .edu and .org discussion forums with the sole intent of leaving signature links with keyword rich anchor text (can you spell S-P-A-M) pointing to landing pages on their clients sites. I’m not sure if it’s ignorance or arrogance that fuels some of the ideas that self service links such as these are of great importance and are set in stone.
These kinds of links are supposedly rare as hens teeth, but they just happened across some discussion forums that nobody else knows about. They also wondered about outsourcing this kind of service and was curious as to how many links you could realistically create in a 40 hour week. Are you hinting that you’re looking for low budget profile spammers so you can turn a quick buck?
Going around pissing on some one’s blog or discussion forum is a sure way to get your links removed and your login revoked. To suggest to a client that these are they types of links that are considered to be high calibre and that they should command a premium price is both irresponsible and repulsive as there are better ways to find good quality links.