With the explosion of general directories lately (everyone’s an editor) it’s nice to find one that stands out in design and quality.
With one of the best new directory marketing techniques I’ve seen recently, Loren Baker is off to a running start with Umdum.
To celebrate the launch, we are running a free submittal promotion which will run until 5 pm PST on Thursday April 20th. You can have your site listed in Umdum for free by Umdum Web Directory these simple steps.
1. Go to Umdum.com.
2. Select the most relevant base category for your site by browsing our Category Map.
3. Click over to the most relevant category then submit your site and select the free “Non-profit” payment method
4. Rinse and repeat – submit your sites which deserve to be listed. We are looking for businesses, blogs, guides, content oriented sites, other search engines, your favorite sites.
5. Do not submit gambling, drugs, or illegal content sites. Do not submit built for AdSense sites. Do not submit scrapper content sites.
6. Submit one AUTHORITY site such as USAToday, your favorite local news channel, a Web 2.0 site, your favorite search engine, or other large sites.
7. List the sites that you submitted in the comment form below. I will then review, edit (if needed) and approve those submissions. (Do not link to the sites in the Comments field as SEJ’s spam filter will hold your comment in moderation if it includes more than 2 links).
That’s it. You’re now listed in Umdum if your site passes our Editorial Process.Your site will be approved in less than 24 hours if not instantly.
You won’t get that from DMOZ.
While this promotion has ended, you can bet that it will be mimicked many times over. If you missed out on a free listing, we still recommend submitting to Umdum. Good luck with the directory Loren!
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