April 2006

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With the explosion of general directories lately (everyone’s an editor) it’s nice to find one that stands out in design and quality.

With one of the best new directory marketing techniques I’ve seen recently, Loren Baker is off to a running start with Umdum.

To celebrate the launch, we are running a free submittal promotion which will run until 5 pm PST on Thursday April 20th. You can have your site listed in Umdum for free by Umdum Web Directory these simple steps.

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For far too long the average web site owner has narrowly focused on ushering visitors to their web site via the home page, or through the front door.

If you talk to the average webmaster it’s not long before you soon realize that most of them share outdated promotional ideas and have not evolved with the search engines.

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Where do they keep the alt text?
Seems Google is once again giving some weight to alt text for images. Previously disregarded unless the image was hyperlinked, alt text once again appears to be a contributing factor in the search results.

This was generally abused by webmasters trying to gain an edge over the competition by using a long string of keywords and ignoring usability.

I wouldn’t rush out and start changing all of the alt text attributes on your web pages hoping for an edge, I really doubt it’s given serious weight.

Remember, it’s all about the visitors.

There was quite the buzz with million pixel ad web sites a brief time ago, when a young entrepreneur came up with the idea of selling one million 1×1 pixel ad spaces for $1.00 each. The Million Dollar Home Page was born. It brought out so many copy-cat sites that they can’t give away those ads now.

We recently came across a new variation of the million dollar ad web sites called the Million Clicks Button. Advertisers are afforded the opportunity to “own” the button for a set dollar amount until the next advertiser purchases the button for a higher dollar amount. All of the traffic from visitors clicking the button are directed to your web site for the duration of your ownership.

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Iron Pyrite - Fool's Gold

Seems that there’s quite a bit of speculation regarding the current PageRank update and fluctuations displayed by the Google Toolbar that began earlier today.

New sites and pages are displaying PageRank values that appear to be inflated, while there’s little or no change of the values assigned to older pages.

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